Stoyan Filipov’s Flounder for Fly Fishing

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Really neat fly fishing fly we came across in the Saltwater Fly Tying Facebook group. Introducing Stoyan Filipov’s Flounder Fly.  This brought comments from all over the world but was especially popular in the United States where the Eastern States likened the fly to a sand flea and thought it would do well with Striper while the Southern States immediately thought of Redfish who forage along the bottom and never pass up the opportunity to pick off a competing fish at this size.

Stoyan Filipov-flounder-fly-fishing
Flounder Fly for Fly Fishing

Here is another example of Stoyan Filipov’s Crab Fly, this would be exceptinally lethal on the Florida Flats when fly fishing

Crab Fly for Fly Fishing
Crab Fly for Fly Fishing

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