Your own private beach.
In Alaska the unwritten etiquette says that if there's a

Your own private beach. In Alaska the unwritten etiquette says that if there’s a

Zach LaPerriere says: Your own private beach.
In Alaska the unwritten etiquette says that if there’s a boat at a beach, you go to the next beach, thus ensuring your privacy.
I love that respect that neighbors have for each other.
In the background is L’ux, also know more recently as Mt. Edgecumbe. It’s such a beautiful volcano, visible for from almost all points in Sitka.
#visitsitka #l’ux #lux #mtedgecumbe #privatebeach #alaskalife #skifflife #kruzof #southeastalaska #outercoast #whyilivehere #keepitwild #wilderness

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