SEiGLER FISHING REELS says: Purpose made products!
#madeintheusa #seiglerreels #skifflife #centerconsoles #offshoreboats #rodholder #flyreels #fishing #boatlife #fishingreels #gaffholder
SEiGLER FISHING REELS says: Purpose made products!
#madeintheusa #seiglerreels #skifflife #centerconsoles #offshoreboats #rodholder #flyreels #fishing #boatlife #fishingreels #gaffholder
Sweeeet! Does it for me?
Me too @bluegillbill47 @fishseigler @wes_seigler
Oh my
I’ve been looking at how to get the under gunnel rod holders/racks out from under my Bayshore so I can add these. They’re literally the only thing I don’t like a lot about that boat.
Yeah 4 of these would be so much nicer then the shit I have now
Love it
Clean and simple!
Soooo sweeeeeet