Captain Ty Hibbs says: Just one of those days. Hard to leave a good trout bite but it was hard for us to resist the sunlight and sightfish everything on the fly. Caught trout all morning long on flies, Matrix Shad and Matrix Minnows and then got to throw at jacks, bulls, red snapper, mangroves, pompano, tarpon, gag grouper, blue fish, cobia, and even trigger fish. Successful specifies hunt today with the Matrix Shad and Fly rods for sure. #whateverbites #Louisiana #redfish #louisianasightfishingfishing #taglouisiana #shimano #dockside #gopro #nolaoutdoors #ynotoutdoors #redfishdistrict #redfishmafia #masseysnola #matrixshad #teamcabelas #teamduce #kysekicechest #drumspots #skifflife @cabelas #masseysoutfitters #marshandbayou @galvanflyreels @ducerods @matrixshad @the_southern_fly @matthewwhtmn
How far put
Kinda overkill don’t ya think?