
A Unique Fishing Experience, Theo’s Seaside Metal Design

Theo Aftonomos has had a passion for working with his hands since he was 16 years old when he discovered motorcycles and found his passion to learn about how, what, why “things tick”. Theo’s inquisitive nature eventually led him to discover metal working.


Theo says, “To me, metal had always been a means to something bigger, more masterful- like a massive piece of machinery. The purpose of metal was to build other things. That was, until I discovered how versatile and beautiful metal could be on its own.”

Theo, along with his wife and 4 kids are following that passion and dream of creating unique, metal art sculptures of marine life one piece at a time.

Here is a sampling of his latest marine artwork. Scroll down for Theo’s contact information.

Contact Theo via his website:

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