small mouth bass

Michigan Smallmouth by way of Florida

Since 2013 I’ve developed an addiction for catching smallmouth bass, and I constantly think about catching them. I call them freshwater bonefish because they fight relentlessly. A 4lb smallmouth fights five times harder than a 10lb largemouth.  They pull drag, they double your rod over, and jump like crazy!

I have traveled annually to Traverse City Michigan specifically to catch smallmouth bass, and to play some golf too. Traverse City is literally a freshwater paradise with a lifestyle similar to Florida because it revolves around the water. Not just any water either, tropical looking blue water, like you would see in the Florida Keys, it’s totally mind blowing!

This year in addition to Traverse City I also went to Mille Lacs Lake in Minnesota, which is a legendary smallmouth lake I have been reading about for a couple of years. So this year I decided to make it a reality, and it did not disappoint.

In Michigan I had sick top water action with some nice 3-4lbers. Also I got 4 fish in the mid 5lb range, including a total butterball that was 16-1/2 inches long & 5-1/4lbs. In Minnesota I caught six toads all in the mid 5-6lb range, which is insane because any smallmouth 4lbs & up is considered HUGE! So it was absolutely an epic trip!

About Kieran Kidder

I’m a Florida salty who’s been fortunate enough to catch many different species here in the fishing capital of the world, inshore,offshore and freshwater too. In 2017, I have caught personal best snook,reds,and seatrout.

Kieran’s Bull Redfish out of Sebatian Inlet , FL

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